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School Safety Shield
Non en Meus Vigilo!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Dark, Nasty World of the Child Predator

Mike Dorn sent me an email about this story, about a former St. Louis teacher who was arrested after admitting he had raped students years ago.  He mistakenly thought the statute of limitations had expired.


This story is an example of why I have such a passion for what I do.  I was raised to believe that it was wrong for the strong to prey on the weak.  I was also raised to believe that if I were strong, I should protect the weak.  Yet day after day, I see stories of adults who prey on children.

Shame. On. You. Perverts.

If you believe, as I do, that bullying is wrong, then how much MORE wrong is it for an adult to bully a child?  When you add in the dimension of the adult being an educator, the betrayal of trust adds a whole order of magnitude of pain to the situation.

If I were to coax a cute, cuddly bunny to my hand with a carrot, and then smashed the bunny in the head, how would you feel?  That is what child predators do.  They lure the innocent into their clutches, and then smash them.  Not only do they create the immediate pain of the assault itself, but they leave a permanent footprint on that child's mind, a lasting poison that never quite goes away, and can often lead to more issues later in life.

Yet, this happens daily, often in silence.  People don't want to talk about it, don't want to think about it, and thus don't want to do anything about it.  It is a dark, nasty underside of our culture that needs to be stamped out.

Who will stand between the wolves and the sheep?

The Sheepdog.


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