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School Safety Shield

School Safety Shield
Non en Meus Vigilo!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

25 Students Injured in Tennessee School Bus Wreck

Johnson City, TN
A school spokeswoman says more than 25 students have been taken to hospitals in upper East Tennessee after a school bus carrying high schoolers flipped over.

Washington County schools spokeswoman Susan Kiernan says parents may have taken other students as well. She said all but five or six are expected to be released Thursday night.

One girl underwent surgery for head and neck injuries and was in critical condition. The driver was taken by ambulance with chest pain but Kiernan didn't know whether she would be admitted.

Kiernan says 63 students from David Crockett High School were on the bus Thursday afternoon.

Tennessee Highway Patrol spokeswoman Dalya Qualls says the crash happened when the wheels dropped off the side of the road and the driver overcorrected, about eight miles southwest of Jonesborough.

Safe Havens, Intl

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