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School Safety Shield

School Safety Shield
Non en Meus Vigilo!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Calif. School, Parents Surprised by Student Athletes’ Fantasy League Involving Sex, Classmates

San Francisco, CA
School administrators and parents are wrestling with how to respond to news that some male high school athletes created a statistics-based fantasy league that awarded points when girls the boys “drafted” were rumored to have engaged in sexual activity.

Parents at Piedmont High School were notified of the league’s existence in a letter and email Friday.

Varsity athletes used the online competition, modeled after fantasy leagues common in major league sports, as a bonding activity for the last five or six years, Principal Rich Kitchens said in the letter.

“Male students earn points for documented engagement in sexual activities with female students,” he wrote.

Most of the female students who were drafted into the league weren’t aware of the competition, he added.

Officials at the San Francisco Bay area suburban school learned about the game during an assembly on date rape earlier this month. Administrators interviewed students, parents and staff members, but weren’t able to identify any participants in the competition, which students referred to as a “Fantasy Slut League,” Kitchens said.

Safe Havens, International

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