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Friday, May 11, 2012

Blake and Tori - Sheepdogs You Should Know

New Palestine, IN
An 11-year-old girl and her 13-year-old sister are being hailed as heroes for risking their lives trying to save a man surrounded by flames.

The sisters live in New Palestine, and this past March discovered their neighbor's backyard on fire. They were home alone at the time and when they ran outside to get a closer look, they also found their neighbor, an elderly man, on fire too.

The girls say the man had been burning garbage.

"It just got out of control and he thought he could handle it," said 11-year-old Tori Lyons. "When we got down there, he fell," she recalled of the man, who the girls said was semi-conscious and mumbling.

"My stomach crunched up and I started to get kind of light headed," said 13-year-old Blake Lyons. "It all kind of just disappeared and I just moved," Blake added.

The Sugar Creek Township Fire Department was impressed too.  They will be awarding the sisters the Citizens Heart of a Hero Award.

"I know I did the right thing, but I don't really feel like a hero," said Tori of her efforts. "To me a hero's someone that saves someone's life and I wasn't able to do that," added Blake, choking up and brushing away the tears.

No Tori, a hero is one who puts their life on the line for others, for no other reason than it's the right thing to do.

You and Blake are definitely heroes in MY book.

"No greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for others." John 15:13

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