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School Safety Shield
Non en Meus Vigilo!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Moral Courage: A Sheepdog Core Trait

It is not the mission of this blog to get embroiled in politics, but events are happening that require comment.  In California, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula makes a movie that is placed on YouTube, there for months with no reaction until the week of 9/11, when protests broke out around the world.

A US Ambassador, Chris Stevens, is killed in Libya, along with three other people, during one of those protests  

The U.S. response is for the Obama Administration to ask YouTube to take the movie off of its site, which thus far has been refused.  Also, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was interviewed by federal probation officers for as yet undisclosed reasons.

Yesterday I blogged about fear, and how a sheepdog responds to it.  Let's put the events above in that context.  When an incident happens in your school, will you play the "blame game?" Especially if the thing you are blaming is legal?

Blame is something a person does when they fear the consequences of their actions.  It is an attempt to deflect responsibility.  A Sheepdog does not do this.  The safety of others should not be placed in the hands of a person who has no moral courage.

Moral courage is doing what is right, regardless of the consequences.  In the coming days, it would appear we need more people with moral courage taking care of things.

Are you up to it?


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