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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Crimes against Children 10-8-12

Houston, TX
Edward Jorodge Gladney, 28, of Houston, has been sentenced to serve a total of 720 months in prison following his convictions for producing and advertising child pornography, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas Kenneth Magidson announced today. The sentence represents one of the largest in the Southern District of Texas for offenses related to child pornography in recent years.

Gladney was charged with producing child pornography as far back as 2002, as well as advertising those images for sale via the Internet. He pleaded guilty March 5, 2012.

Today, U.S. District Judge Vanessa Gilmore handed Gladney the significant prison term after considering all the evidence against him, reports from mental health experts and statements of the victims, as well as the number of years he continually abused his victims. Judge Gilmore sentenced Gladney to 360 months on each of two production of child pornography convictions to run consecutively and 360 months on the remaining two production and one advertising convictions to run concurrent to each other and to the first two production counts for a total of 720 months in federal prison.

Houston, TX
Roberto Amador has been sentenced to more than six years in federal prison for possessing child pornography, United States Attorney Kenneth Magidson announced today. Amador, 25, of Houston, pleaded guilty to one count of possessing child pornography on January 17, 2012.

Amador will also be ordered to register as a sex offender.

Amador acknowledged in the plea agreement that he possessed more than 800 images and 20 videos on June 7, 2011. These images contained children under the age of 12 engaged in sexual acts with adults, among other things.

The charges against Amador are the result of an investigation conducted by members of the Houston FBI-Innocent Images Task Force, which focuses its attention on investigating offenses involving the exploitation of children via the Internet.

Honolulu, HI
Vida G. Bottom, Special Agent in Charge of the Honolulu Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is seeking the public’s help in providing information that may identify an unknown male suspected of child sexual exploitation, possibly on Hawaii’s Big Island. A photograph and informational poster depicting the suspect are being disseminated to the public.

The suspect first came to the FBI’s attention in 2010 when a series of photographs surfaced on the Internet depicting the suspect apparently engaging in graphic sex acts with two children: a 4-year-old girl and 9-year-old boy (approximate ages). These photos were circulated widely among various illegal Internet forums for the sharing of child pornography.

Philadelphia, PA
Peter Zagorski, 31, of Malvern, Pennsylvania, was sentenced today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to eight years and three months in prison for distribution of child pornography, U.S. Attorney Ronald C. Machen, Jr. announced.

According to a factual proffer of evidence presented during the plea proceeding, on October 24, 2011, an MPD member of the FBI’s Child Exploitation Task Force who was operating undercover as part of the investigation communicated with Zagorski by instant messenger. During the course of the communications, Zagorski expressed interest in meeting an under-aged girl and engaging in sexual contact with the child. Also during the course of the communications, Zagorski sent the undercover six videos of child pornography.

Newark, NJ
A Morris County, New Jersey man was sentenced today to 61 months in federal prison for distribution of child pornography, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.

Charles Dolick, 69, of Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey, previously pleaded guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge Patty Schwartz to an information charging him with distribution of child pornography. U.S. District Judge Faith S. Hochberg imposed the sentence today in Newark federal court.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:
On or about September 23, 2010, Dolick knowingly distributed more than 600 images of child pornography through a peer-to-peer file network. The images and videos Dolick distributed included multiple depictions of prepubescent children engaging in sexually explicit conduct with other children and adults.

Dolick admitted that he had been collecting child pornography for approximately 17 years and that he distributed child pornography via peer-to-peer software.

Albuquerque, NM
On October 5, 2012, Nathan R. Platero, 41, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation who resides in Tohajiilee, New Mexico, pled guilty to an information charging him with abusive sexual contact under a plea agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

U.S. Attorney Kenneth J. Gonzales said that, at sentencing, Platero faces up to 10 years of imprisonment, to be followed by a term of supervised release and to be determined by the court. Platero also will be required to register as a sex offender. Platero, who was arrested on January 3, 2012, remains in custody pending his sentencing hearing, which has not yet been scheduled.

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